Self-sufficient minority

Limited edition multiple artwork commissioned by Museumsverein Mönchengladbach, 2009.

“There is no mark on the wall to measure the precise height of women. There are no yard measures, neatly divided into the fractions of an inch, that one can lay against the qualities of a good mother or the devotion of a daughter, or the fidelity of a sister, or the capacity of a housekeeper.”
A Room of One’s Own, Virginia Woolf, 1928

Self-sufficient minority (version I), 2009
Self-sufficient minority (version I), 2009
Laser-cut steel ruler, painted wooden shelf
30 × 12.5 /1.6 × 12.5 × 14 cm
Self-sufficient minority study, 2009
Self-sufficient minority (study), 2009
C-print, 42 x 53cm
Photo: Ruth Clark